3Metas Support Services are subject to the following conditions:
- On-site presence is determined by 3Metas. Distance and coverage restrictions may apply.
- Target deliverable responses may vary by locations or geography.
- Local business hours may vary by locations or geography.
- 3Metas support response times vary by client impact classification (severity levels).
- 3Metas requires that all equipment and software that is installed as part of the same product offering to be subject to 3Metas support and service contract for that product offering, except in the case of third-party products supplied by 3Metas, but not maintained by 3Metas, for which you are required to obtain maintenance and support directly from the vendor of the third-party product.
- 3Metas may periodically make changes to support service options to provide service efficiencies. We will make every effort to discuss those with you in advance, and such changes will only apply to new services after the change is announced.
- The 3Metas Warranty Maintenance and Support Terms within your curren service plan, as well as other service contracts that you have with 3Metas, will include these terms. If there is an inconsistency between your existing terms and those outlined here, these terms will prevail. Please contact with our technical if you wish to discuss.
Incidents reported by the customer during the support contract or warranty process, incident response times and compromise solution according to the following priorities assigned to each incident:

Table priority incident support policy - 3Metas
- Response time: time at which the analysis of an incident has begun, that time is not included in the solving period.
- Solving Time: time which a solution for the incident has been reached.
Determining Support
- Once a request is received, we will respond either by phone, by email, or in person within 24 hours.
- Requests are handled during normal working hours, Monday through Friday.
- Telephone support will be the mode of choice for most minor problems and difficulties. The IT support staff will conduct on-site support at the end user’s workstation where applicable.
- Walk-in support is not provided for users who show up unannounced. Exceptions might be made in emergency situations, but these will be assessed on a case-by-case basis.
- 3Metas will utilize remote control tools when appropriate to provide quick problem resolution (the user's permission is required for remote control access).
- The requestor will be notified via email when the request is considered complete. If the requestor indicates that problems still exist or that additional assistance is needed in this matter, the 3Metas will continue working on the problem until both parties are satisfied. If new, unrelated problems have occurred, the user should submit a new request.
1. Computers
- Set-up of New Computers:
- Service to Existing Computers:
If extensive or specialized hardware repairs are required or a complete re-installation of the computer software is necessary, the machine may be brought to the 3Metas office for repairs. In such cases, if the computer will be unavailable for more than five days, 3Metas can evaluate the option of providing a temporary replacement. This will probably not be the same make/model computer and may not have all of the same capabilities, but it will perform the basic functions required for desktop computing (email, Internet access, the standard software configuration).
- Obsolete Equipment:
2. Printers
Full support is provided for these printers. Departmental staff should be familiar with basic printer operation (i.e. how to power the printer down/up, how to clear a paper jam, etc.). The 3Metas provides the first level of support for problems with these printers. Before calling for help, the individual should check to see if others are able to print successfully to the printer so it can be determined whether the problem lies with the printer or an individual's computer. If possible, these will be done on-site, otherwise the printer will be brought to the 3Metas office. If the problem persists, an outside vendor will be called to make the repairs. If the call is authorized by 3Metas, there will be no charge to the department for these repairs. However, for some older printers, extensive repairs may not be justified and replacement of the printer will be recommended.3Metas will attempt to resolve problems with non-networked or special-function printers, but cannot guarantee results. If considering such a purchase, the department should consult with the 3Metas' technical for recommendations.
3. Other Hardware Devices
3Metas can recommend equipment that will be compatible with the computer and operating system. The equipment should be purchased through 3Metas to ensure that any problems with the equipment on delivery or during warrantee will be handled expediently. We cannot support equipment purchased independently which turns out to be incompatible with the computer or operating system, or when the software required for its use conflicts with other critical software on the system.Research and scientific equipment falls into a special category. In light of the enormous range of specialized devices that can fall into this category, the 3Metas may have no experience with the specific type of equipment and cannot guarantee that it can be made to function properly if problems develop. When purchasing specialized equipment it is important to consult with the 3Metas technical to determine the level of support that can be provided. In some cases it will be necessary to arrange for on-site service from the vendor or ensure that staff of the department has been trained in its use and support. If the device must connect to any systems or to the company network, the 3Metas technical should always be consulted on compatibility issues.
4. Operating Systems
3Metas support all current versions Microsoft Windows and Mac OSX operating systems. 3Metas also offers support for Linux/UNIX computers.5. Commercial Software
Faculty and staff should consult their 3Metas technical before installing software on their desktop machines. Since there are a limited number of licenses for some software packages, many applications are 'keyed'. If a user consistently cannot use a keyed software package because all licenses are already in use, the 3Metas technical should be contacted. The possibility of purchasing additional licenses will be pursued.In order to comply with software licensing regulations, a 3Metas technical will install only legally licensed software, freeware, or shareware.
6. Obsolete Software
As software companies release newer versions of software, the old versions eventually become obsolete for the following reasons:- The software vendor no longer offers technical support for problems encountered.
- The files or documents created by the software may be in a format no longer recognized by current software, making them un-sharable.
- The original disks from which the software was installed may have been lost and can no longer be replaced.
- The software will no longer run under current computer operating systems.
- 3Metas does not support software that falls into these categories. If a user or department needs assistance with such software, the 3Metas technical will recommend a currently supported software package that will perform the required functions and assist the user in making the transition to the new software.